October 30
Today we did math - we did Word Problem Wednesday and Cross Math. The grade 5s practiced some two digit multiplication. The grade 4s learned a multiplying trick with 10s. During outside gym, we played a new game called, "Yoshi".
We go to Open Minds at Ann and Sandy Cross beginning on Monday - be prepared for any kind of weather!
Tomorrow - is Orange and Black day
Friday there is no school for students
Please see below for Open Minds reminders:
We depart the school each day at 8:30 - please ensure your child is on time! Students need to bring a lunch, water bottle and extra snacks - we will be outside and students may want an extra healthy snack. Students need to be prepared to be outside for the day - we will be outside no matter the weather - students need: mitts, toques, warm boots, snow pants and warm jackets. You may want to send extra socks or mitts. We will return to the school at our regular dismissal time Monday - Thursday. Friday we will return to school at 2:45 and students will be dismissed at that time. Please make appropriate arrangements for your child's pick up.
We go to Open Minds at Ann and Sandy Cross beginning on Monday - be prepared for any kind of weather!
Tomorrow - is Orange and Black day
Friday there is no school for students
Please see below for Open Minds reminders:
We depart the school each day at 8:30 - please ensure your child is on time! Students need to bring a lunch, water bottle and extra snacks - we will be outside and students may want an extra healthy snack. Students need to be prepared to be outside for the day - we will be outside no matter the weather - students need: mitts, toques, warm boots, snow pants and warm jackets. You may want to send extra socks or mitts. We will return to the school at our regular dismissal time Monday - Thursday. Friday we will return to school at 2:45 and students will be dismissed at that time. Please make appropriate arrangements for your child's pick up.